Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.290
EU - Europa 4.453
AS - Asia 2.485
AF - Africa 76
SA - Sud America 67
OC - Oceania 22
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 19
Totale 13.412
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.084
IT - Italia 2.164
SG - Singapore 1.135
CN - Cina 907
IE - Irlanda 420
DE - Germania 389
FI - Finlandia 365
UA - Ucraina 346
GB - Regno Unito 192
SE - Svezia 145
VN - Vietnam 143
CA - Canada 127
NL - Olanda 100
FR - Francia 94
MX - Messico 58
JP - Giappone 53
KR - Corea 38
IN - India 36
IR - Iran 33
RO - Romania 33
TR - Turchia 33
TW - Taiwan 30
BR - Brasile 26
ES - Italia 26
BG - Bulgaria 24
CH - Svizzera 24
DZ - Algeria 23
RU - Federazione Russa 23
HK - Hong Kong 21
AU - Australia 19
CO - Colombia 19
CI - Costa d'Avorio 16
EU - Europa 14
IL - Israele 14
PL - Polonia 14
BE - Belgio 13
ID - Indonesia 13
NO - Norvegia 13
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 12
GR - Grecia 12
ZA - Sudafrica 12
EG - Egitto 11
HU - Ungheria 10
MA - Marocco 9
PE - Perù 9
PT - Portogallo 9
DK - Danimarca 7
PK - Pakistan 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
HR - Croazia 6
A1 - Anonimo 5
AT - Austria 5
CR - Costa Rica 5
RS - Serbia 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
SI - Slovenia 5
AR - Argentina 4
MY - Malesia 4
BO - Bolivia 3
CL - Cile 3
EC - Ecuador 3
GT - Guatemala 3
IQ - Iraq 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
TN - Tunisia 3
AL - Albania 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
OM - Oman 2
PH - Filippine 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
CM - Camerun 1
GE - Georgia 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NA - Namibia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
Totale 13.412
Città #
Singapore 943
Chandler 912
Millbury 411
Jacksonville 409
Princeton 327
Naples 306
Nanjing 277
Boston 222
Napoli 219
Wilmington 196
Santa Clara 189
Woodbridge 160
Ashburn 136
Dong Ket 128
Des Moines 120
Beijing 109
Ottawa 102
Falls Church 99
Lawrence 94
Fairfield 86
Nanchang 85
Amsterdam 74
Houston 72
Milan 71
Norwalk 71
Rome 68
Ann Arbor 67
Hebei 56
Jiaxing 48
Shenyang 48
Boardman 46
Lappeenranta 41
Redwood City 40
Salerno 37
Bremen 36
Redmond 35
Tianjin 35
Changsha 32
Kronberg 31
Bologna 26
Dearborn 26
Sofia 24
Seattle 23
Indiana 22
Kunming 22
Tokyo 21
Florence 20
Mountain View 20
Cava De' Tirreni 19
Dallas 19
Palermo 18
Turin 18
Dublin 17
Hangzhou 17
Genoa 16
Helsinki 16
Orange 16
Shanghai 16
Manchester 15
Munich 15
New York 15
Sydney 15
Cagliari 14
Harbin 14
Padova 14
London 12
Nantes 12
Santo Domingo 12
Los Angeles 11
Schloß Holte-stukenbrock 11
Torre del Greco 11
Bari 10
Cambridge 10
Caserta 10
Chemnitz 10
Pozzuoli 10
Chennai 9
Chicago 9
Dortmund 9
Guangzhou 9
Linköping 9
Paris 9
Pompei 9
Taipei 9
Washington 9
Genova 8
Giugliano in Campania 8
Hanoi 8
Istanbul 8
Perugia 8
Portici 8
Tel Aviv 8
Zurich 8
Battipaglia 7
Buffalo 7
Capaccio 7
Hackney 7
Hanover 7
Luft 7
Marano di Napoli 7
Totale 7.229
Nome #
Robotica – Modellistica, Pianificazione e Controllo 1.396
Unit quaternion: a useful tool for inverse kinematics of robot manipulators 179
Springer Handbook of Robotics 144
Theory of Robot Control 118
Impedance control of redundant manipulators for safe human-robot collaboration 113
Human-Robot Collaboration System Using Virtual Fixture Method and Image-Guided for Dental Implant Surgery 100
Autonomy in surgical robots and its meaningful human control 84
Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators 74
Tracking deformable objects with WISARD networks 73
Springer Handbook of Robotics 72
A new method of image features pre-selection for real-time pose estimation based on Kalman Filter 70
3-D objects motion estimation based on Kalman filter and BSP tree models for robot stereo vision 69
Nonprehensile manipulation of deformable objects: Achievements and perspectives from the RoDyMan project 69
Robust visual tracking using a fixed multi-camera system 68
An experimental setup for visual servoing applications on an industrial robotic cell 67
Networking for Cloud Robotics: a case study based on the Sherpa Project 67
A coordinate-free framework for robotic pizza tossing and catching 65
A new technique for real-time visual tracking of 3D objects 64
The PRISMA Hand II: A Sensorized Robust Hand for Adaptive Grasp and In-Hand Manipulation 64
Geometrically consistent impedance control for dual-robot manipulation 61
Online Estimation of Impedance Parameters for a Variable Impedance Controlled Robotic Manipulator 60
Design issues for a fire-fighting robot on tunnel intervention 59
A robotic system for fire fighting and prevention in tunnels 59
Human-Robot Collaboration Using Fuzzy Adaptive Virtual Fixture Method for Dental Implant Surgery 58
The MUSHA underactuated hand for robot-aided minimally invasive surgery 56
Robotics - Modelling, Planning and Control 55
Jacobian-based algorithms: a bridge between kinematics and control 55
A robotic system for fire fighting in tunnels 54
Visual tracking of multiple objects using binary space partitioning trees 53
Anthropic inverse kinematics of robot manipulators in handwriting 53
Agent Control Technology for Multi-Robot Systems 53
Stima di posizione e orientamento mediante elaborazione di immagini con il filtro di Kalman 53
HuPOSE: Human-like posture generation and biomechanical analysis for human figures 53
Fiber Bragg Grating sensors for biomedical and automotive applications 53
Geometric soft robotics: a finite element approach 53
A fire fighting robotic system for road and railway tunnels 52
Objects motion estimation via BSP tree modeling and Kalman filtering of stereo images 52
Screw-based dynamics of a serial/parallel flexible manipulator for DEMO blanket remote handling 52
Control techniques to deal with the damage of a quadrotor propeller 52
Variable Impedance Control of Redundant Manipulators for Intuitive Human–Robot Physical Interaction 51
Experimental Test of Synergies Computed on the SCHUNK S5FH under-actuated Hand 50
PHRIENDS - Physical Human-Robot Interaction: DepENDability and Safety 49
Analytic solutions for the static equilibrium configurations of externally loaded cantilever soft robotic arms 49
An adaptive force/position control scheme for robot manipulators 48
Control Problems in Robotics and Automation 47
Two-time scale force and position control of flexible manipulators 47
A bio-inspired approach for regulating and measuring visco-elastic properties of a robot arm 47
A biomimetic approach to mobility distribution for a human-like redundant arm 47
Coping with occlusions in visual tracking of multiple objects 46
Human-robot interaction control using force and vision 46
Visual motion tracking with full adaptive extended Kalman filter: An experimental study 46
Un sistema robotizzato per lo spegnimento e la prevenzione di incendi in galleria 46
Human-like motion generation for a virtual manikin 46
A novel force sensing integrated into the trocar for minimally invasive robotic surgery 46
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for the Stabilization of a Wheeled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on a Pipe 46
An occlusion prediction algorithm for visual servoing tasks in a multi-arm robotic cell 45
A Lyapunov-stable adaptive scheme for force regulation and motion control of robot manipulators 44
Tracking elastic deformable objects with an RGB-D sensor for a pizza chef robot 44
A Reconfigurable Gripper for Robotic Autonomous Depalletizing in Supermarket Logistics 44
Kinematics, dynamics and control for a class of parallel robots 43
Robot Force Control 43
A singular perturbation approach to control of flexible arms in compliant motion 43
Real-time visual tracking of 3D objects 42
3D monocular robotic ball catching 42
Modelling and identification of the da Vinci Research Kit robotic arms 42
A Flexible Robotic Depalletizing System for Supermarket Logistics 42
Modelling and Control of Robot Manipulators (2nd Ed.) 41
Exploiting redundancy in kinematic motion control for dexterous object manipulation 41
A grasping force optimization algorithm for dexterous robotic hands 41
A New Laparoscopic Tool with In-Hand Rolling Capabilities for Needle Reorientation 41
Vision-Based Dynamic Virtual Fixtures for Tools Collision Avoidance in MIRS 41
Eye-in-hand/eye-to-hand multi-camera visual servoing 40
Robot force/position control with force and visual feedback 40
The skeleton algorithm for self-collision avoidance of a humanoid manipulator 40
Adaptive extended Kalman filtering for visual motion estimation of 3D objects 40
The DEXMART Hand: Mechatronic Design and Experimental Evaluation of Synergy-based Control for Human-like Grasping 40
A model-based strategy for mapping human grasps to robotic hands using synergies 40
On the Experiments about the Nonprehensile Reconfiguration of a Rolling Sphere on a Plate 40
RePLiCS: An environment for open real-time control of a dual-arm industrial robotic cell bases on RTAI-Linux 39
A position-based visual impedance control for robot manipulators 39
Robust hybrid force/position control with experiments on an industrial robot 39
Modelling and Control for human-robot interaction 39
A bio-inspired grasp optimization algorithm for an anthropomorphic robotic hand 39
A multilayer control for multirotor UAVs equipped with a servo robot arm 39
Cartesian impedance control of redundant manipulators for human-robot co-manipulation 39
A Nonlinear Least Squares Approach for Nonprehensile Dual-Hand Robotic Ball Juggling 39
Planning Framework for Robotic Pizza Dough Stretching with a Rolling Pin 39
Position-based visual servoing in industrial multi-arm robotic cells using multiple cameras 38
Spatial impedance control of redundant manipulators 38
3D pose estimation for robotic applications based on a multi-camera hybrid visual system 38
Real-time tracking of 3D elastic objects with an RGB-D sensor 38
Fuzzy trajectory planning and redundancy resolution for a fire fighting robot operating in tunnels 37
A computational technique for solving robot end-effector trajectories into joint trajectories 37
Design, modeling and control of a 5-DoF light-weight robot arm for aerial manipulation 37
Robotics: Modelling, planning and control 37
RGB-D Recognition and Localization of Cases for Robotic Depalletizing in Supermarkets 37
A Coordinate-Free Framework for Robotic Pizza Tossing and Catching 37
Integration for the next generation: Embedding force control into industrial robots 36
Robot interaction control using force and vision 36
DEXMART - DEXterous and autonomous dual-arm/hand robotic manipulation with sMART sensory-motor skills: A bridge from natural to artificial cognition 36
Totale 6.601
Categoria #
all - tutte 57.483
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 57.483

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020570 0 0 0 0 97 26 56 48 31 50 108 154
2020/20211.567 55 111 117 106 250 173 163 42 160 59 154 177
2021/20222.857 83 101 77 114 195 121 58 80 526 130 400 972
2022/20232.317 459 161 63 196 281 272 18 220 310 103 165 69
2023/20242.027 91 254 271 162 80 101 61 159 61 140 419 228
2024/20251.749 652 797 115 95 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.951