Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.550
EU - Europa 1.699
AS - Asia 1.209
AF - Africa 25
OC - Oceania 4
SA - Sud America 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 5.493
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.488
IT - Italia 868
SG - Singapore 555
CN - Cina 399
HK - Hong Kong 180
FI - Finlandia 167
IE - Irlanda 155
DE - Germania 109
UA - Ucraina 109
NL - Olanda 108
CA - Canada 57
RU - Federazione Russa 45
GB - Regno Unito 42
SE - Svezia 42
IN - India 30
CI - Costa d'Avorio 21
VN - Vietnam 16
FR - Francia 11
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
IR - Iran 8
AT - Austria 7
KR - Corea 7
NO - Norvegia 7
JP - Giappone 6
MX - Messico 5
RS - Serbia 5
BR - Brasile 4
AU - Australia 3
CH - Svizzera 3
GR - Grecia 3
ID - Indonesia 3
DK - Danimarca 2
DZ - Algeria 2
EU - Europa 2
HU - Ungheria 2
LT - Lituania 2
PK - Pakistan 2
TR - Turchia 2
BE - Belgio 1
EG - Egitto 1
ES - Italia 1
IL - Israele 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
Totale 5.493
Città #
Singapore 452
Chandler 316
Santa Clara 282
Naples 230
Millbury 210
Hong Kong 178
Princeton 158
Ashburn 150
Nanjing 144
Jacksonville 117
Amsterdam 94
Boston 67
Wilmington 62
Rome 58
Des Moines 53
Ottawa 53
Napoli 43
Seattle 43
Ann Arbor 42
Beijing 39
Nanchang 35
Woodbridge 35
Milan 33
Hebei 28
Shenyang 28
Guwahati 26
Lawrence 26
Caivano 23
Dublin 21
Falls Church 19
Nuremberg 19
Bologna 17
Changsha 17
Kunming 17
Norwalk 17
Tianjin 17
Washington 17
Dong Ket 16
Kronberg 16
Jiaxing 15
Los Angeles 15
Helsinki 14
Acerra 10
Mountain View 10
Hangzhou 9
Falkenstein 8
Indiana 8
Marcianise 8
Marigliano 8
Bergen 7
Moscow 7
Redmond 7
Torino 7
Caserta 6
Dallas 6
Giffoni Valle Piana 6
Mannheim 6
Pisa 6
Belgrade 5
Brno 5
Catania 5
Changchun 5
Palermo 5
Torre Del Greco 5
Busto Arsizio 4
Florence 4
Fort Worth 4
Fremont 4
Guangzhou 4
Lappeenranta 4
Mexico City 4
Olomouc 4
Pavia 4
Vienna 4
Athens 3
Boardman 3
Buffalo 3
Castellammare Di Stabia 3
Castiglione Cosentino 3
Fairfield 3
Fisciano 3
Geraci Siculo 3
Grosseto 3
Löchgau 3
New York 3
Nola 3
Nürnberg 3
Piacenza 3
Prineville 3
Pune 3
Reggio Emilia 3
San Giuseppe Vesuviano 3
Shima 3
Springfield 3
The Dalles 3
Treviso 3
Acireale 2
Appleton 2
Banjarmasin 2
Bareggio 2
Totale 3.525
Nome #
Radioprotezione nello spazio: misura di spettri di frammentazione nucleare 149
BIOHOT (BIOphysical characterization of Helium and Oxygen ion beams for hadronTherapy 141
La senescenza cellulare prematura come effetto tardivo dell???esposizione a raggi X e ioni carbonio 80
Clastogenic effects of UMTS radiofrequency signal in human lymphocytes 65
Misura dell'efficacia biologica relativa di fasci di elettroni prodotti da un acceleratore per IORT 62
Accelerator-based tests of radiation shielding properties of materials used in human space infrastructures 60
Biological dosimetry in the ENEIDE Mission on the International Space Station 58
Does reduced gravity alter cellular response to ionizing radiation? 53
Can be Solanum lycopersicum L. cv ‘Micro-Tom’ a good candidate for growth in Space? Testing the effects of High-LET ionizing radiation on plant growth, photosynthesis and antioxidants 53
Combined exposure of human cells to high LET radiation and UMTS signal: acute damage and genomic instability 52
Effetti di un segnale UMTS sulla riparazione del danno cromosomico indotto da radiazione ionizzante 49
Apoptosis is a mode of cell death in the polykaryon-forming unit assay. 48
Behaviour of human lymphocytes in the rotating-vessel Bioreactor: a tool for microgravity modelling 48
Human Response to High-Background Radiation Environments on Earth and in Space 47
Estimates of radiological risk from terrorist attacks using plutonium. 47
Radioprotezione nello spazio: misura di spettri di frammentazione nucleare 46
Automatic analysis system for track measurements in CR-39 detectors for radiation protection in Space purposes 46
In Vitro effects of exposure to radiofrequency on DNA damage induced by high-LET ionising radiation. 45
Metodo di misura della fluenza adronica con un dispositivo Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) 44
Effects of modulated microwave radiation at cellular-telephone frequency (1.95 GHz) on X ray-induced chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes in vitro 44
Automatic analysis system for track measurements in CR-39 detectors for radiation protection in Space purposes 44
Effetti di un segnale UMTS sulla riparazione del danno cromosomico indotto da radiazione ionizzante 43
In Vitro sub-lethal and non-targeted effects on normal human cells along the Bragg curve for different ion beams. 43
Biological effects of high LET radiation and implications for cancer therapy. 42
Dipendenza da Z degli effetti radiobiologici di fasci di ioni accelerati 42
La senescenza cellulare prematura come effetto subletale indotto da fasci di ioni accelerati lungo la curva di Bragg in linee cellulari umane normali 42
An apolar Pistacia lentiscus L. leaf extract: GC-MS metabolic profiling and evaluation of cytotoxicity and apoptosis inducing effects on SH-SY5Y and SK-N-BE(2)C cell lines 40
Analysis of the X-ray induced changes in lipids extracted from hepatocarcinoma cells by means of ATR-FTIR spectroscopy 39
BIORT: an experiment for the assessment of the biological effects of very high dose rate and dose per pulse electron irradiations 39
Chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes from the plateauregion of the Bragg curve for a carbon-ion beam 38
Development of a low-energy particle irradiation facility for the study of the biological effectiveness of the ion track end 38
Medical research with laser-driven proton beams at Eli-Beamlines: rationale and preliminary results 38
First experimental proof of Proton Boron Capture Therapy (PBCT) to enhance protontherapy effectiveness 38
ELIMED, MEDical and multidisciplinary applications at ELI-Beamlines 37
The radiobiology of laser-driven particle beams: focus on sub-lethal responses of normal human cells 37
Manifestations and mechanisms of radiation-induced genomic instability in V79 Chinese hamster cells 36
Radiosensibilizzazione di gliomi per adroterapia 36
Toward an automatic system for the analysis of cytogenetic abnormalities using fluorescence in situ hibridization technique. 35
Chromosome inter- and intrachanges detected by arm-specific DNAprobes in the progeny of human lymphocytes exposed toenergetic heavy ions 35
Premature cellular senescence in normal human endothelial cells as a non-lethal effect of low doses of 12C ions: implications for hadrontherapy 35
New discoveries in radiation science 35
Preliminary investigation of performance of thermoluminescent dosimeters for dose verification in brachytherapy 35
Evaluation of morpho-physiological responses and genotoxicity in Eruca sativa (Mill.) grown in hydroponics from seeds exposed to X-rays 34
Comparison of aluminium and lucite for shielding against 1 GeV protons 34
Development of an automated scanning system for the analysis of heavy ions' fragmentation reaction by nuclear track detectors 34
Induction of Adaptive Response in Human Blood Lymphocytes pre-Exposed to Radiofrequency Fields and challenged with Ionizing Radiation 34
Interazione fra microgravità modellata e radiazione ionizzante sull'induzione di aberrazioni cromosomiche in linfociti umani. 33
Analisi delle aneuploidie in cellule della mucosa buccale in pazienti sottoposti a radioterapia nella regione testa-collo 33
Medical research with laser-driven proton beams at Eli-Beamlines: rationale and preliminary results 33
Radiation shielding properties of kevlar and nextel in human space infrastructures 32
Biological dosimetry in the ENEIDE mission on the international space station 32
Adaptive Response in Human Blood Lymphocytes Exposed to Radiofrequency Fields: Resistance to Ionizing Radiation-Induced Damage 32
Insorgenza precoce della senescenza cellulare in cellule endoteliali umane esposte a radiazioni ionizzanti di varia qualità 32
European Radiation Research Society 32
Time-dependent onset of cellular senescence in response to carbon ions: implications for hadrontherapy 32
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization-Based Chromosome Aberration Analysis Unveils the Mechanistic Basis for Boron-Neutron Capture Therapy’s Radiobiological Effectiveness 31
The behaviour of human lymphocytes in the rotating-wall bioreactor: a tool for microgravity modelling 31
Shielding of relativistic protons 31
A possible genetic basis for the polykaryon-forming unit assay of cellular sensitivity to radiation 31
Biological dosimetry on the International Space Station 31
Radiobiological characterization of the very high dose rate and dose per pulse electron beams produced by an IORT (intra operative radiation therapy) dedicated linac 31
Raman spectroscopy for the evaluation of the radiobiological sensitivity of normal human breast cells at different time points after irradiation by a clinical proton beam 31
ARCAICA-Adattamento della Risposta Cellulare alla rAdiazione Ionizzante indotto da Campi a rAdiofrequenza 30
37th annual meeting of the European Radiation Research Society (ERRS) 30
BIORT: RadioBiologia della IORT 30
La senescenza cellulare prematura come effetto subletale della radiazione ionizzante 30
Brca1 deficiency exacerbates estrogen-induced dna damage and genomic instability 30
In vitro sub-lethal and non-targeted effects on normal human cells along the Bragg curve for different ion beams 30
ELIMED, Medical Application at ELI-Beamlines: Status of the Collaboration and first results 29
Relative biological effectiveness variation along monoenergetic and modulated Bragg peaks of a 62-MeV therapeutic proton beam: A preclinical assessment 29
V79 cell survival after a single Lithium ion nuclear traversal. 28
Cellular Premature Senescence And Chromosome Aberrations In Normal Human Cell Lines Exposed To The Cnao Carbon Ion Therapeutic Beam 28
Visible micro-Raman spectroscopy of single human mammary epithelial cells exposed to x-ray radiation 28
Radiobiological quantities in proton-therapy: Estimation and validation using Geant4-based Monte Carlo simulations 28
Seed Priming by Low-Dose Radiation Improves Growth of Lactuca sativa and Valerianella locusta 28
Single charged-particle damage to living cells: a new method based on track-etch detectors 27
Cytogenetic effects of high-energy iron ions: dependence on shielding thickness and material 27
A genetic control for the polykaryon-forming unit assay. 27
Cooperative biological effects between ionizing radiation and other physical and chemical agents 27
Influenza del segnale UMTS (1.95 GHz) su danno citogenetico acuto ed instabilità genomica indotti in vitro da radiazione ionizzante ad alto LET. 27
ELIMED a new concept of Hadrontherapy with laser-driven beams 27
A possible genetic basis for the polykaryon-forming unit assay of cellular sensitivity to cytotoxic agents 26
Ectopic cellular senescence induced by ionising radiation of varying quality in endothelial human cells 26
Irradiation of tumour cell lines with very high-LET particle beams accelerated at Naples Tandem facility 26
Spada: a project to study the effectiveness of shielding materials in space 25
The biological effectiveness of Intra-Operative RadioTherapy (IORT) beams. 25
PO-0972: Breast cancer cell survival using flattening filter-free beam compared to a standard flattened beam 25
Raman spectroscopy monitoring of MCF10A cells irradiated by protons at clinical doses 25
Graphene-based raman spectroscopy for ph sensing of x-rays exposed and unexposed culture media and cells 25
Estimates of radiological risk from a terrorist attack using plutonium 24
Effectiveness of monoenergetic and spread-out Bragg peak carbon ions for inactivation of various normal and tumour human cell lines 24
Measurements of metaphase and interphase chromosome aberrations transmitted through early cell replication rounds in human lymphocytes exposed to low-LET protons and high-LET 12C ions 24
Il PFU Assay: un nuovo test predittivo di radiosensibilità 24
Radiobiology of high dose rate pulsed ion beams. 24
Medical research and multidisciplinary applications with laser-accelerated beams: the ELIMED netwotk at ELI-Beamlines 24
The Energy Selection System for the laser-accelerated proton beams at ELI-Beamlines 24
Fragmentation studies of relativistic iron ions using plastic nuclear track detectors 23
Totale 3.801
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.063
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 28.063

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020135 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 6 15 58 50
2020/2021395 10 31 39 31 28 83 36 34 30 13 24 36
2021/2022858 8 8 5 3 2 22 8 41 155 32 134 440
2022/2023837 190 58 25 77 81 88 0 51 108 107 40 12
2023/2024954 17 109 87 54 120 88 39 105 12 20 170 133
2024/20251.479 303 288 51 143 139 268 287 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.640