Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.423
EU - Europa 1.204
AS - Asia 885
AF - Africa 43
SA - Sud America 9
Totale 4.564
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.374
IT - Italia 426
SG - Singapore 362
UA - Ucraina 273
CN - Cina 219
HK - Hong Kong 218
DE - Germania 168
FI - Finlandia 124
IE - Irlanda 73
VN - Vietnam 50
CA - Canada 46
CI - Costa d'Avorio 40
SE - Svezia 39
GB - Regno Unito 36
IN - India 23
RU - Federazione Russa 15
FR - Francia 14
NL - Olanda 11
BR - Brasile 5
RO - Romania 5
IR - Iran 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
ES - Italia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
MX - Messico 3
PL - Polonia 3
TR - Turchia 3
BE - Belgio 2
CO - Colombia 2
KR - Corea 2
MA - Marocco 2
AR - Argentina 1
CH - Svizzera 1
EC - Ecuador 1
JP - Giappone 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
PT - Portogallo 1
TW - Taiwan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 4.564
Città #
Chandler 565
Singapore 309
Jacksonville 238
Hong Kong 218
Santa Clara 170
Millbury 110
Princeton 100
Ashburn 96
Napoli 68
Beijing 61
Naples 59
Nanjing 58
Boston 54
Dong Ket 50
Munich 48
Woodbridge 47
Wilmington 46
Ottawa 43
Helsinki 33
Seattle 27
Des Moines 25
Kronberg 25
Rome 22
Shenyang 18
Houston 17
Pune 17
Norwalk 16
Ann Arbor 14
Jiaxing 13
Caserta 12
Lawrence 12
Tianjin 12
Dallas 11
Nanchang 11
Redwood City 11
Centro 10
Dublin 8
Hebei 8
Padova 8
Rivoli 8
Boardman 7
Changsha 7
Falkenstein 7
Amsterdam 6
Augusta 6
Los Angeles 6
Milan 6
Orange 6
Paris 6
San Giorgio La Molara 6
Molise 5
San Mateo 5
Abidjan 4
Bologna 4
Cambridge 4
Dearborn 4
Ercolano 4
Fiorano Modenese 4
Fremont 4
Lequile 4
Monmouth Junction 4
Pavia 4
Salerno 4
Ardabil 3
Bari 3
Budapest 3
Cerreto Guidi 3
Chandigarh 3
Formia 3
Kiel 3
Leawood 3
Messina 3
Viterbo 3
Agrate Brianza 2
Aracaju 2
Brno 2
Castello di Cisterna 2
Indiana 2
Kunming 2
Lappeenranta 2
Leipzig 2
Lugo 2
Magdeburg 2
New York 2
Pianore 2
Portici 2
Poznan 2
Rabat 2
Roseto Capo Spulico 2
Santa Maria a Vico 2
Seregno 2
Shanghai 2
Stella Cilento 2
Toronto 2
Tukwila 2
Verona 2
Walnut 2
Washington 2
Yellow Springs 2
Andover 1
Totale 2.878
Nome #
DNA polymerase alpha inhibition by aphidicolin and fragile site expression in prometaphase chromosomes of the Italian Mediterranean River Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis, 2n=50) and comparison with cattle (Bos taurus, 2n=60) 103
Lo scambio intercromatidico (SCE) nella razza-popolazione bovina Agerolese. 92
Morphological and morphometric analysis of the Italian honeybee (Apis mellifera ligustica) spermatozoa: a preliminary study for pathological assessments 82
Elaborazione del cariotipo di asino (equus asinus) mediante l’impiego di un sistema di analisi di immagine computerizzata 80
Crossbreeding effect on genome stability in pig (Sus scrofa scrofa) 62
Analysis of major fecundity genes in autochthonous Laticauda and Bagnolese sheep breeds 59
An improved characterization of horse (Equus caballus,2n=64) chromosomes by using replicating G and R banding patterns 56
Analyses of genes affecting ovulation rate in the native sheep breeds of campania region bagnolese and laticauda: preliminary results. 55
Influences of dietary supplementation with Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on stallion sperm production and on preservation of sperm quality during storage at 5 °C. 55
Sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in the cattle popolation Agerolese 54
Morphological and morphometric analysis of the Italian honeybee (Apis mellifera ligustica) spermatozoa: a preliminary study in Campania region 54
Preliminary results on Meditarranean Italian Buffalo morphometry 53
Approccio cariologico nello studio della razza-popolazione bovina Agerolese 53
Attendibilità della stima dei caratteri quantitativi relativi alla valutazione morfologica negli animali di interesse zootecnico mediante l’impiego di un sistema di analisi di immagine computerizzata 53
High resolution C-, G- and R-banding patterns in donkey (Equus asinus, 2n=62) chromosomes 52
Analysis of genetic variation in Agerolese cattle breed 52
Article influence of the casein composite genotype on milk quality and coagulation properties in the endangered agerolese cattle breed 52
L’applicazione dell’analisi di immagine computerizzata nella valutazione morfologica della capra napoletana 51
Chromosome fragility in two sheep herds exposed to dioxins during pasturage 50
L’impiego dell’analisi di immagine computerizzata nella elaborazione del cariotipo di equidi 50
Considerazioni sull’utilizzo di un sistema di analisi computerizzato nella valutazione morfometrica della testa degli spermatozoi di stalloni trottatori 50
Freemartinism in river buffalo: clinical and cytogenetic observations. 50
Aneuploidy rates “in vitro” matured MII oocytes with corresponding 1st polar body in the Podolian and Maremmana cattle breeds by using dual color fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). 50
Reproduction features comparison between Maremma and Carpathian wild boar in two farming management conditions. 49
Non-random expression and localization of aphidicolin-induced fragile sites in prometaphase chromosomes of mediterranean river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis, 2n=50) 49
An improved characterization of horse (Equus caballus, 2n=64) chromosomes by using replicating G and R banding patterns 48
Biometrics measurements in Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in the Piacentini area. Part II: sexual dimorphism in young adult subjects. 47
Association of STAT5A Gene Variants with Milk Production Traits in Agerolese Cattle 47
DNA fragmentation and morphometric studies in sperm of stallions supplemented with maca (Lepidium meyenii) 47
Chromosome fragility in cattle with chronic enzootic haematuria 46
L'impiego dell'analisi d'immagine computerizzata nella valutazione morfometrica di ovociti di cavalla 46
Risultati dell’applicazione dell’analisi di immagine computerizzata nella valutazione morfologica del bovino Agerolese e del cavallo Salernitano 46
Valutazione morfologica dell’attuale popolazione suina casertana: osservazioni preliminari 46
Clinical, cytogenetic and molecular studies on sterile stallion and mare affected by XXY and sex reversal syndromes, respectively 46
Elucidating the genetic basis of an oligogenic birth defect using whole genome sequence data in a non-model organism, Bubalus bubalis 46
Chromosome fragility in Freemartin cattle 45
An improved characterization of horse (Equus caballus, 2n=64) chromosomes by using replicating G and R banding patterns 45
Polymorphisms of MAMLD1, SRD5A2, and AR Candidate Genes in Seven Dogs (78,XY; SRY-Positive) Affected by Hypospadias or Cryptorchidism 45
An improved characterization of donkey (Equus asinus, 2n=62) chromosomes by using C-, G- and R-banding patterns 44
Caratteristiche morfologiche delle bufala mediterranea italiana allevata nelle province di Salerno e Caserta 44
Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in cattle with chronic enzootic haematuria 44
Considerazioni sull’utilizzo di un sistema di analisi computerizzato nella valutazione morfometrica della testa degli spermatozoi di stalloni trottatori 43
A proposal of the standard karyotype of donkey (Equus asinus, 2n=62) chromosomes on the basis of G- and R- banding comparison. 43
Correlation between Morphometric parameters and chromatin fragmentation in spermatozoa of Canis familiaris. 43
Chemical Analysis of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) and Its Effects on Redox Status and on Reproductive Biology in Stallions 43
Preliminary results on Mediterranean Italian Buffalo morphometry 42
Increased SCE levels in Mediterranean Italian Buffaloes affected by limb malformation (transversal hemimelia) 42
Congenital Malformations in River Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) 42
Preliminary genetic evaluations in two XX sex reversal dogs 42
Analisi morfologica e morfometrica degli spermatozoi di Apis mellifera ligustica: uno studio preliminare per la valutazione delle alterazioni 42
Perosomus elumbis in piglets: Pathological, radiological and cytogenetic findings 42
Characterization of telomere length in Agerolese cattle breed, correlating blood and milk samples 40
Caratteristiche morfologiche della bufala Mediterranea Italiana allevata nelle provincie di Salerno e Caserta . 40
Relazione tra inbreeding e clostridiosi negli ovini 40
X-Y aneuploidy rates in sperm of the Maremmana and Podolian cattle breeds by using dual color fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) 40
Cytogenetic analyses in ewes with congenital abnormalities of the genital apparatus 40
SCE-test reveals genomic instability in cattle affected by chronic enzootic aematuria. 39
Cytogenetic and genetic characterization of an intersex Arabian horse. 39
Identification of Species-Specific Indels in Bubalus bubalis, Bos taurus, Capra hircus, and Ovis aries 38
Chromosome instability in Mediterranean Italian buffaloes affected by limb malformation (transversal hemimelia). 38
Cytogenetic investigation in two endangered pig breeds raised in Southern-Italy: Clinical and environmental aspects 38
Genetic structure at CSN1S1, CSN2 and CSN1S2 loci of four authoctonous goat breed reared in Lazio and Campania regions. 37
Diagnosis of XX/XY Blood Cell Chimerism at a Low Percentage in Horses 37
Determination of a possible relationship between a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the promoter region of the SIRT1 gene and production and reproduction traits in the Agerolese cattle breed 37
Vitrificazione di ovociti di gatto “Felis catus”: Studi preliminari 36
Captured hare spermatozoa morphological analysis post-mortem. 36
Characterization, conservation and sustainability of endangered animal breeds in Campania (Southern Italy). 36
Cytogenetic survey in autochthonous endangered animal breeds reared in Campania region (Southern Italy): an up-date. 36
Disorders of sexual development in 6 horses: clinical cytogeentic and molecular genetic findings. 36
Studi citogenetici in pecore con anomalie congenite dell’apparato riproduttore 36
A New AS-PCR Method to Detect CSN201 Allele, Genotyping at Ca-Sensitive Caseins Loci and Milk Traits Association Studies in Autochthonous Lazio Goats 35
Valutazione morfologica computerizzata di cavalli appartenenti alla razza-popolazione salernitana 35
Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in Calabrian and Large White pig breed and their crosses: preliminary results. 35
Efficacy and influence on the chromosome stability of fenbendazole in Esperia pony populations aturally infected by intestinal Strongylidae - preliminary results. 35
Analysis of XX SRY-negative sex reversal dogs 35
Evaluation of morphometric parameters and chromatin integrity in the sperm of stallion food supplemented with Maca. 34
Mapping fragile-sites in the standard karyotype of River Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis, 2n=50) 33
Un caso di Klinefelter (2n=65, XXY) in uno stallone equino di razza Bardigiana 33
Analysis of STAT5A/AvaI gene polymorphism in four Italian cattle breeds. 33
Sterile stallion and mare affected by Klinefelter and sex reversal (Swyer) syndromes 32
Cytogenetic and genetic analyses of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa spp., 2n=36/37/38) reared in State-owned forestry company “Cerreta-Cognole”. 32
Identification of a new trans location in a young Italian Mediterranean River Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis, 2n=50) bull: rob(1;18) 32
Localization of aphidicolin induced fragile sites in Casertana pig breed. 32
Aphidicolin induced fragile sites in a family of Agerolese cattle carrying rob (1;29). 32
Chromosome fragility in cattle with chronic enzootic haematuria 31
High chromosome fragility in two sheep herds exposed to high doses of dioxins durino pasturage. 30
Chromosome fragility in freemartin cattle 30
Effects of diets rich in B-Glucans on chromosome stability of peripheral blood lymphocytes of pigs 30
First case of XX-SRY positive DSD in an Italian Saddlebred horse. 30
Identification of a new translocation in a young Italian Mediterranean River Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis, 2n=50) bull: rob(1;18). 29
Sperm global dna methylation (Sgdm) in semen of healthy dogs 29
Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) for the first time in Casertana pig breed. 28
Freemartinism in river buffalo: clinical and cytogenetic observations 28
The Use of Fractal Analysis for the Quantification of Oocyte Cytoplasm Morphology 28
The use of image analysis on morphometric evaluation of the head spermatozoa in trotter stallion 28
Increased frequencies of chromosome abnormalities in Mediterranean Italian buffaloes affected by limb malformation (transversal hemimelia). 28
A rare case of simple syndactyly in a puppy 28
Freemartinism in river buffalo: clinical and cytogenetic observations 27
An unusual case of testicular disorder in sex development of arabian mare (64,xx sry-negative) 27
Increased frequencies of both chromosome abnormalities and SCEs in two sheep flocks exposed to high dioxin levels during pasturage 25
Totale 4.265
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.724
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 20.724

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020178 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 3 31 50 85
2020/2021606 13 53 47 55 72 57 55 6 104 9 77 58
2021/2022564 7 4 4 9 4 13 10 34 74 18 134 253
2022/20231.000 145 138 51 111 112 119 6 99 146 9 50 14
2023/2024544 20 100 29 22 30 81 4 89 6 21 94 48
2024/20251.021 209 180 30 40 104 184 274 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.701