Qu test for structural breaks in quantile regressions
2013 Furno, Marilena; Vistocco, Domenico
Models with dependent and with non-identically distributed data
2014 Furno, Marilena
Quantile regression and structural change in the Italian wage equation
2013 Furno, Marilena
Predictions in quantile regressions
2014 Furno, Marilena
• Sign tests for unit root and changes in persistence
2014 Furno, Marilena
Returns to education and gender gap
2014 Furno, Marilena
Estimated coefficients and inference
2014 Furno, Marilena
Quantile regression estimates and the analysis of structural breaks
2014 Furno, Marilena
Quantile regression analysis of the Italian school system.
2010 Furno, Marilena
Misspecification and estimation effects in the Lagrange multiplier tests for heteroskedasticity.
2008 Furno, Marilena
Parameter instability in quantile regression
2007 Furno, Marilena
The Glejser test and the median regression
2005 Furno, Marilena
ARCH test and quantile regressions.
2004 Furno, Marilena
LAD estimation and testing with random coefficient autocorrelated errors
2001 Furno, Marilena
LM tests in the presence of non-normal error distributions
2000 Furno, Marilena
A robust heteroskedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimator.
1997 Furno, Marilena
Estimating the variance of the LAD regression coefficient
1997 Furno, Marilena
Small sample behavior of a robust heteroskedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimator.
1996 Furno, Marilena
The information matrix test in the linear regression with ARMA models
1996 Furno, Marilena
Monetary policy and interest rate. An adaptive estimator approach.
1993 Furno, Marilena