La variabilità climatica in Italia meridionale e gli effetti sulla ricarica degli acquiferi carbonatici
2012 Allocca, Vincenzo; DE VITA, Pantaleone; Manna, Ferdinando
Effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation on groundwater recharge processes in karst aquifers of the Cilento Geopark
2013 Manna, Ferdinando; Allocca, Vincenzo; Fusco, Francesco; Napolitano, Elisabetta; DE VITA, Pantaleone
Groundwater recharge assessment in karst aquifers of southern Apennines (Italy)
2013 Manna, Ferdinando; Allocca, Vincenzo; DE VITA, Pantaleone; Fusco, Francesco; Napolitano, Elisabetta
Monitoring the soil suction regime of landslide-prone ash-fall pyroclastic deposits covering slopes in the Sarno area (Campania - southern Italy)
2013 Fusco, Francesco; DE VITA, Pantaleone; Napolitano, Elisabetta; Allocca, Vincenzo; Manna, Ferdinando
Long-Term Hydrological Modelling of Pyroclastic Soil Mantled Slopes for Assessing Rainfall Thresholds Triggering Debris Flows: The Case of the Sarno Mountains (Campania—Southern Italy)
2015 Napolitano, Elisabetta; DE VITA, Pantaleone; Fusco, Francesco; Allocca, Vincenzo; Manna, Ferdinando
Coupled decadal variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation, regional rainfall and karst spring discharges in the Campania region (southern Italy)
2012 DE VITA, Pantaleone; Allocca, Vincenzo; Manna, Ferdinando; Fabbrocino, Silvia
Effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation on groundwater recharge in karst aquifers of the Cilento Geopark -Italy
2013 Manna, Ferdinando; Allocca, Vincenzo; Fusco, F.; Napolitano, Elisabetta; DE VITA, Pantaleone
Estimating annual groundwater recharge coefficient for karst aquifers of the southern Apennines (Italy)
2014 Allocca, Vincenzo; Manna, Ferdinando; DE VITA, Pantaleone
The Instability of Colluvial Mantle in Turbidite Flysch Series of the Cilento Region (Campania– Southern Italy): the November 26, 2010, Ostigliano Translational Slide
2015 DE VITA, Pantaleone; Allocca, Vincenzo; DI CLEMENTE, Enrico; Fusco, Francesco; Manna, Ferdinando; Mastrogiovanni, G.; Napolitano, Elisabetta
Recharge in karst aquifers: from regional to local and annual to episodic scale
2015 Manna, Ferdinando; Nimmo, J. R.; Allocca, Vincenzo; DE VITA, Pantaleone
Groundwater recharge assessment at local and episodic scale in a soil mantled perched karst aquifer in southern Italy
2015 Allocca, Vincenzo; DE VITA, Pantaleone; Manna, Ferdinando; Nimmo, John Robert
Effectiveness of a physical barrier for contaminant control in an unconfined coastal plain aquifer: the case study of the former industrial site of Bagnoli (Naples, southern Italy).
2015 Arienzo, Michele; Allocca, Vincenzo; Manna, Ferdinando; Trifuoggi, Marco; Ferrara, Luciano