Modeling of non-volcanic CO2 earth degassing. Application to a case study from Ciorlano area (southern Apennines, Italy)
2019 DI MAIO, R.; Piegari, E.; Salone, R.; DE PAOLA, C.
Estimation of Carbon Dioxide emissions along an active fault by using geoelectrical measurements
2020 Piegari, E.; DI MAIO, R.; Salone, R.
Monitoring of levee breaching through remote sensing and artificial intelligence
2020 DI MAIO, R.; Vitagliano, E.; Salone, R.
Insights on the active Southern Matese Fault system through geological, geochemical, and geophysical investigations of the CO2 gas vent in the Solopaca area (southern Apennines, Italy).
2023 Vitale, S.; Albanese, S.; Di Maio, R.; Ambrosino, M.; Cicchella, D.; De Paola, C.; Fabozzi, C.; Notaro, P.; Pagliara, F.; Prinzi, E. P.; Salone, R.; Ciarcia, S.
A multidisciplinary study on the spatial variability of the local stratigraphic conditions in partially saturated slopes for flow-like landslide prediction
2023 Pirone, M.; Di Maio, R.; Forte, G.; De Paola, C.; Guglielmi, S.; Salone, R.; Santo, A.; Urciuoli, G.
2022 Salone, R.; La Manna, M.; Sabatino, F.; Vitale, E.; Nicotera, M. V.; Russo, G.; Di Maio, R.
Understanding the effects of leaking gas in geological carbon sequestration through geophysical characterization of natural CO2 gas emission systems
2022 Salone, R.; De Paola, C.; Ferranti, L.; Di Maio, R.
Integration of geophysical and geotechnical modelling to define hydrogeological conditions for unsaturated soils prone to shallow flowslides
2023 Salone, R.; Pirone, M.; De Paola, C.; Forte, G.; Santo, A.; Urciuoli, G.; Di Maio, R.
High-resolution ERT imaging of CO2 degassing along active faults on the south-west flank of the Matese Mts. (Southern Apennines)
2021 Salone, R.; De Paola, C.; Ferranti, L.; Di Maio, R.
Resistività elettrica di terreni cementati e alleggeriti: primi risultati di una tecnica di indagine non distruttiva
2022 Sabatino, F.; Nicotera, M. V.; Salone, R.; La Manna, M.; Di Maio, R.; Russo, G.
Misure di resistività elettrica su terreni cementati e alleggeriti: tecnica sperimentale e primi risultati
2021 Sabatino, F.; Salone, R.; Vitale, E.; Di Maio, R.; Nicotera, M. V.; Papa, R.; Russo, G.
An innovative probabilistic Bayesian tool to scan buried magnetised structures: testing on the Phaistos (Greece) archaeological site
2023 Tarantino, S.; Salone, R.; Spagnuolo, L.; La Manna, M.; Di Maio, R.; Emolo, A.
Bayesian approach to the inversion of magnetic data for near-surface studies. Application to the archaeological site of San Pietro Infine (Southern Italy)
2022 Salone, R.; Tarantino, S.; Spagnuolo, L.; Frisetti, A.; La Manna, M.; Emolo, A.; Di Maio, R.
Multidisciplinary study of non-volcanic degassing vent field in the Solopaca area (southern Apennines)
2022 De Paola, C.; Albanese, S.; Ambrosino, M.; Ciarcia, S.; Cicchella, D.; Di Maio, R.; Fabozzi, C.; Notaro, P.; Pagliara, F.; Prinzi, E. P.; Salone, R.; Vitale, S.
Integration of Geophysical and Thermo-Fluid Dynamic Numerical Modelling to Study Natural Gas Emissions in Complex Geological Contexts
2024 Salone, Rosanna
Predicting electrical resistivity in hydrothermal and natural degassing geological systems through petrophysical and thermodynamic data: a machine learning approach
2024 Carbonari, R.; Salone, R.; Di Maio, R.
Study of the groundwater regime in unsaturated slopes prone to landslides by multidisciplinary investigations: Experimental study and numerical modelling
2023 Pirone, M.; Di Maio, R.; Forte, G.; De Paola, C.; Di Marino, E.; Salone, R.; Santo, A.; Urciuoli, G.
Reconstruction of archaeological contexts through the integrated use of airborne LiDAR and geophysical survey: The case study of San Pietro Infine (Caserta, southern Italy)
2023 Di Maio, R.; Emolo, A.; Frisetti, A.; Abate, N.; La Manna, M.; Pierri, I.; Salone, R.; Tarantino, S.
3D Numerical Simulations of Non-Volcanic CO2 Degassing in Active Fault Zones Based on Geophysical Surveys
2021 Di Maio, R.; Salone, R.; De Paola, C.; Piegari, E.; Vitale, S.
High-resolution geoelectrical characterization and monitoring of natural fluids emission systems to understand possible gas leakages from geological carbon storage reservoirs
2023 Salone, R.; De Paola, C.; Carbonari, R.; Rufino, F.; Avino, R.; Caliro, S.; Cuoco, E.; Santi, A.; Di Maio, R.