Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.713
EU - Europa 1.062
AS - Asia 737
AF - Africa 36
SA - Sud America 17
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 3.567
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.683
IT - Italia 606
SG - Singapore 401
CN - Cina 275
FI - Finlandia 108
IE - Irlanda 107
SE - Svezia 77
DE - Germania 37
GB - Regno Unito 35
CA - Canada 28
CI - Costa d'Avorio 28
IN - India 16
UA - Ucraina 12
BR - Brasile 11
FR - Francia 11
IR - Iran 11
LT - Lituania 11
ES - Italia 10
NL - Olanda 10
CH - Svizzera 8
TR - Turchia 8
VN - Vietnam 8
EG - Egitto 7
PT - Portogallo 7
DK - Danimarca 5
SM - San Marino 4
AR - Argentina 3
AT - Austria 3
JO - Giordania 3
PK - Pakistan 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AU - Australia 2
BE - Belgio 2
GR - Grecia 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
HR - Croazia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
MX - Messico 2
PE - Perù 2
PH - Filippine 2
PL - Polonia 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
CO - Colombia 1
DZ - Algeria 1
IL - Israele 1
Totale 3.567
Città #
Singapore 329
Chandler 228
Millbury 125
Princeton 123
Nanjing 100
Napoli 100
Boston 68
Des Moines 67
Santa Clara 63
Naples 55
Beijing 54
Ashburn 42
Wilmington 35
Jacksonville 34
Valledolmo 31
Nanchang 29
Lawrence 28
Ottawa 25
Rome 25
Seattle 24
Kronberg 18
Hebei 15
Milan 15
Norwalk 15
Shenyang 15
Dearborn 14
Falls Church 14
Jiaxing 12
Changsha 11
Tianjin 11
Vilnius 11
Redwood City 10
Boardman 9
Amsterdam 8
Fairfield 7
Houston 7
Portici 7
Woodbridge 7
Bari 6
Campora 6
Illorai 6
Kunming 6
Messina 6
Dallas 5
Delhi 5
Hyderabad 5
Redmond 5
Stella Cilento 5
Ann Arbor 4
Dong Ket 4
Dublin 4
Frederiksberg 4
Palermo 4
Pune 4
Salizzole 4
Sevilla 4
Torre del Greco 4
Amman 3
Belém 3
Buenos Aires 3
Caserta 3
Cava De' Tirreni 3
Cogollo Del Cengio 3
Hangzhou 3
Hanoi 3
Indiana 3
Lanzhou 3
Limbiate 3
Lisbon 3
Nocera Inferiore 3
Novate Milanese 3
Rende 3
Rio De Janeiro 3
Rubano 3
Salerno 3
San Giorgio A Cremano 3
Sarezzo 3
Siena 3
Tehran 3
Trieste 3
Al Qaţīf 2
Ardea 2
Bagnoli Irpino 2
Bologna 2
Brasília 2
Broni 2
Bussolengo 2
Cambridge 2
Castelnuovo Rangone 2
Catania 2
Cervinara 2
Fisciano 2
Formia 2
Garza García 2
Geneva 2
Guimarães 2
Hanover 2
Hong Kong 2
Isernia 2
Istanbul 2
Totale 1.991
Nome #
Prove su vernici intumescenti per la protezione al fuoco di strutture in acciaio esistenti 81
Analisi termomeccaniche di un cavalcavia in struttura composta acciaio-calcestruzzo 67
Bond Behavior at the Interface in Concrete Elements Strengthened with NSM bars and Strips 60
Analisi del comportamento di vernici intumescenti per la protezione al fuoco delle strutture in acciaio 51
FRP-to-Concrete Interface Debonding: Experimental Calibration of a Capacity Model 46
Software covering steel frames structural behavior 46
Concrete members reinforced with FRP bars in fire situation 45
Fire and seismic assessment of an existing steel-concrete composite structure 45
Assessment of the effect of FRCM materials on the behaviour of masonry walls by means of FE models 44
A Proposal of Guidelines for Bending Resistance of FRP RC Members in Fire Situation 43
Use of DIC technique for investigating the behaviour of FRCM materials for strengthening masonry elements 42
Efficiency of CFRP NSM strips and EBR laminates for flexural strengthening of RC beams 41
Manuale per la prevenzione del rischio incendio negli interventi di riqualificazione energetica degli edifici per il lavoro 41
Analisi sperimentale sulla delaminazione sotto azioni cicliche di elementi in calcestruzzo rinforzati con FRP 40
Bond Tests on Concrete Elements Strengthened with EBR and NSM FRP Systems 38
Bond between EBR FRP and concrete 38
Influenza delle condizioni locali di sottosuolo sulla risposta sismica di un edificio pubblico di notevole altezza. 37
Approcci unificati per l’analisi e la progettazione delle strutture composte acciaio-calcestruzzo 37
Sustainability of Inorganic Matrix-Grid Composites for Strengthening of Masonry Structures 37
Fire resistance assessment of automated rack supported warehouses 36
Effetti delle alte temperature sulle prestazioni di solette di calcestruzzo armato con barre o griglie di FRP 35
Debonding on concrete members of laminates and NSM FRP systems 35
Debonding Load and Effective Length in Concrete Elements Strengthened with FRP EBR Systems 34
Comportamento non lineare di edifici alti con nucleo sismo-resistente in calcestruzzo armato 34
Prove di aderenza di rinforzi in FRP applicati su elementi in calcestruzzo mediante le tecniche EBR e NSM 33
Bond Efficiency of EBR and NSM FRP Systems for Strengthening of Concrete Members 32
Bond model for FRP bars in concrete members under fire condition 32
Tests on intumescent paints for fire protection of existing steel structures 32
Infrastructure-level traffic micro-simulation for probabilistic analysis of bridge loads 31
Influenza della categoria di sottosuolo sulla vulnerabilità sismica di edifici alti 31
Fire resistance of concrete slabs reinforced with FRP bars. Part I: experimental investigations on the mechanical behavior 30
Adhesion at high temperature of FRP bars straight or bent at the end of concrete slabs 30
Sensitivity of FRP-Concrete Bond Behavior to Modification of the Experimental Set-Up 30
Intumescent coatings for fire safety of existing steel buildings in the European Framework 30
Adhesion at high temperature of FRP bars straight or bent at the end of concrete slabs 29
Experimental analysis on the effectiveness of intumescent coatings in fire 29
Bond of NSM FRP-strengthened concrete: Round robin test initiative 28
Thermal behavior of concrete slabs reinforced with FRP bars in case of fire: experimental investigation and numerical simulation 28
Prove sperimentali in condizioni di incendio su solette di calcestruzzo armate con barre di FRP 28
Valutazione della probabilità di collasso mediante analisi limite di strutture intelaiate in acciaio soggette al rischio incendio 28
Bond models for FRP bars anchorage in concrete slabs under fire 28
General approach for the assessment of the fire vulnerability of existing steel and composite steel-concrete structures 28
Bond behavior of FRP NSM systems in concrete elements 27
Ambient temperature performance of cementitious matrices for fire-safe NSM FRP strengthening of concrete structures 27
Design by testing of debonding load in RC elements strengthened with EBR FRP materials 26
Behaviour of FRP Reinforced Concrete Slabs in Case of Fire: Theoretical Models and Experimental Test 26
Bond behavior of FRP NSM systems bonded over concrete elements 26
Probability of Collapse of Steel Frame Structures Subjected to Fire Hazard 26
Comportamento sperimentale di travi in c.a. rinforzate con FRP: confronto tra l'efficienza di sistemi EBR e NSM 26
Experimental tests on intumescent coating for protecting steel structures 26
Experimental tests on FRCM strengthening systems for tuff masonry elements 26
Experimental investigation on steel elements protected with intumescent coating 26
Seismic pre-dimensioning of irregular concrete frame structures: Mathematical formulation and implementation of a learn-heuristic algorithm 26
FRP-concrete debonding: experimental tests under cyclic actions Seismic 25
Bond of FRP strengthening systems for concrete structures: a round Robin test 25
Sicurezza Antincendio di strutture in acciaio: nuova progettazione e valutazione dell’edilizia esistente 25
Experimental Bond Tests on Concrete Members Strengthened with NSM FRP Systems: Influence of Groove Dimensions and Surface Treatment 24
Bond of NSM FRP Strengthened Concrete: Round Robin Test Initiative 24
On the behaviour of FRP-to-concrete adhesive interface: theoretical models and experimental results 23
Bond tests on inorganic matrix–grid composites applied on masonry 23
Fire resistance evaluation through fragility curves 23
Limit states definition for reinforced concrete tunnels subjected to fire action 23
Concrete interface relationships under monotonic and cyclic actions 22
Effetto del sistema di prova sulla resistenza per aderenza calcestruzzo-FRP 22
Progettazione di strutture composte acciaio-calcestruzzo 22
Proposta di lineeguida per il calcolo della resistenza a flessione in caso di incendio di elementi di calcestruzzo armato con barre di FRP 22
Guidelines for flexural resistance of FRP reinforced concrete slabs and beams in fire 22
Formulazione per la predizione delle frecce di travi e solette di calcestruzzo armato con barre di FRP 22
Mechanical properties of fibre reinforced polymer reinforcement for concrete at high temperature 22
Special Problems 22
Elevated temperature response of RC beams strengthened with NSM FRP bars bonded with cementitious grout 22
Effectiveness of cementitious matrices in NSM‐FRP for strengthening of concrete structures 22
Sicurezza strutturale in caso di incendio di edifici esistenti in acciaio: un possibile approccio generale e applicazione al caso delle vernici intumescenti 22
Valutazione della capacità portante in condizioni di incendio di colonne metalliche tubolari riempite con calcestruzzo 22
Mechanical properties of artificial and natural stone after exposition to high temperatures 22
Applicazione dei criteri della fire safety engineering per la valutazione della resistenza al fuoco di un edificio esistente in acciaio 22
Approach for modelling thermal properties of intumescent coating applied on steel members 22
Structural behaviour of FRP reinforced concrete slabs in fire 22
Risultati di un round robin su prove di aderenza calcestruzzo-FRP 21
Influence of Effective Bond Length on FRP-Concrete Debonding Under Monotonic and Cyclic Actions 21
Experimental Round Robin Test on FRP Concrete Bonding 21
High temperature effects on flexural performances of RC bridge decks strengthened with EBR-FRP 21
Effects of Defects on Bond Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix Materials 21
Le vernici intumescenti per la protezione antincendio di strutture in acciaio: analisi sperimentale e modellazione 21
Fire assessment of an existing steel-concrete composite structure applying Performance Based approach. 21
Galvanization effect on steel frames exposed to fire 20
Multi-risk assessment of a base isolated structure 20
Calibrazione Sperimentale di un Modello di Delaminazione FRP-Calcestruzzo 20
Performances of concrete members reinforced with FRP bars in case of fire 20
Round robin test on the bond behaviour of externally bonded FRP systems to concrete 20
Metodi per la verifica di colonne composte acciaio‐calcestruzzo “concrete filled” soggette ad incendio 20
Bond tests on NSM FRP strengthening using cementitious matrices for concrete structures 20
Effect of externally bonded FRCM materials on the behavior of masonry walls 20
Effetti dell’interazione terreno-struttura sul comportamento sismico di strutture a telaio in c.a. 20
Effect of the static scheme on the behaviour of FRP reinforced concrete slabs in fire 20
Machine learning approach for damage detection in railway bridge: preliminary application 20
FRP Debonding on Concrete Members. PART II: Capacity Model Calibration 19
Performances in case of fire of concrete members reinforced with FRP rods: experimental results and bond models 19
Performance under fire situations of concrete members reinforced with FRP rods: bond models and design nomograms 19
Proposal for improvements of Eurocodes based on local/European projects 19
Totale 2.888
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.658
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 17.658

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020162 0 0 10 7 15 13 4 10 6 24 52 21
2020/2021255 7 3 33 14 18 39 36 18 21 43 18 5
2021/2022653 10 3 5 7 2 17 14 30 118 56 72 319
2022/2023678 153 30 29 31 81 67 7 68 116 27 43 26
2023/2024696 47 104 37 32 24 103 12 81 19 14 151 72
2024/2025478 218 258 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.818