The boundedness of the maximal operator on variable Sobolev spaces
2008 Zecca, Gabriella
Regularity results for planar quasilinear equations
2010 Zecca, Gabriella
Lp and BMO-solvability of the Dirichlet problem for elliptic operators
2014 Zecca, Gabriella
The Maximum principle of Alexandrov for very weak solutions
2014 Radice, Teresa; Zecca, Gabriella
Regularity for solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations
2013 Greco, Luigi; Moscariello, Gioconda; Zecca, Gabriella
On the Higher Integrability for Certain Nonlinear Problems
2008 Verde, Anna; Zecca, Gabriella
Lower semicontinuity of certain quasiconvex functionals in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces
2009 Verde, Anna; Zecca, Gabriella
Sulla Lp-risolubilità del problema di Dirichlet e sue generalizzazioni in spazi di Orlicz
2011 Zecca, Gabriella
Mean field equations with probability measure in 2D-turbulence
2014 Ricciardi, Tonia; Zecca, Gabriella
On Neri's mean field equation with hyperbolic sine vorticity distribution
2013 Ricciardi, Tonia; Zecca, Gabriella
Blow-up analysis for some mean field equations involving probability measures from statistical hydrodynamics
2012 Ricciardi, Tonia; Zecca, Gabriella
Existence and uniqueness for nonlinear elliptic equations with lower-order terms
2012 Zecca, Gabriella
An obstacle problem for noncoercive operators
2015 Greco, Luigi; Moscariello, Gioconda; Zecca, Gabriella
Existence and uniqueness for nonlinear elliptic equations with unbounded coefficients
2014 Radice, Teresa; Zecca, Gabriella
On the solvability of the L^p and BMO Dirichlet problem for elliptic operators
2014 Zecca, Gabriella
On the continuity of solutions to degenerate elliptic equations in two dimensions
2012 Ricciardi, Tonia; Zecca, Gabriella
Sharp interactions among $A_\infty$- weights on the real line
2015 Popoli, Arturo; Sbordone, Carlo; Zecca, Gabriella
A Version of Gehring Lemma in Orlicz Spaces
2012 Greco, Luigi; Zecca, Gabriella
Very weak solutions to elliptic equations with singular convection term
2018 Greco, Luigi; Moscariello, Gioconda; Zecca, Gabriella
Minimal blow-up masses and existence of solutions for an asymmetric sinh-Poisson equation
2017 Ricciardi, Tonia; Zecca, Gabriella