Can corn plants inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi affect soil clay assemblage?
2012 Adamo, Paola; Cozzolino, Vincenza; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Velde, B.
Arbuscular mycorrhiza and enzymatic activities in the rhizosphere of zea mays cultivated in open field
2007 Cozzolino, Vincenza; Scelza, R.; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Rao, MARIA ANTONIETTA
Effetto dell’essiccamento sulle proprietà fisiche e chimiche di Andisuoli: indagini preliminari
1996 Adamo, Paola; Basile, A.; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Violante, P.
Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi applications on maize production and soil phosphorus availability.
2013 Cozzolino, Vincenza; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Piccolo, Alessandro
2004 Arienzo, Michele; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Adamo, Paola; Violante, Pietro
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphorus supply on the growth of Lactuca sativa L. and arsenic and phosphorus availability in an arsenic polluted soil under non-sterile conditions
2010 Cozzolino, Vincenza; Pigna, Massimo; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Caporale, A. G.; Violante, A.
Availability of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium in "bulk" and "rhizosphere" soil of field-grown corn determined by electro-ultrafiltration
2003 Arienzo, Michele; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Adamo, Paola; Violante, P.
Short term clay mineral release and re-capture of potassium in a Zea mays field experiment
2016 Adamo, Paola; Barré, Pierre; Cozzolino, Vincenza; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Velde, Bruce
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and P supply on the growth of Lactuca sativa and As and P availability in a polluted soil
2010 Cozzolino, Vincenza; Pigna, Massimo; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Caporale, ANTONIO GIANDONATO; Violante, Antonio
Uso integrato di funghi micorrizici arbuscolari e fertilizzanti: effetti su produttività del mais e biodisponibilità dei nutrienti
2010 Cozzolino, Vincenza; Adamo, Paola; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Pigna, Massimo; Caporale, ANTONIO GIANDONATO; Violante, Antonio; Velde, B.
Effetti benefici di funghi micorrizici arbuscolari e saprofiti sulla crescita di Chicorium endivia in suoli contaminati da arsenico
2009 Cozzolino, Vincenza; Pigna, Massimo; Ruocco, Michelina; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Caporale, ANTONIO GIANDONATO; Violante, Antonio
The molecular characteristics of compost affect plant growth, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and soil microbial community composition
2016 Cozzolino, V; Di Meo, V.; Monda, H; Spaccini, Riccardo; Piccolo, A.
A combined assessment of the energy, economic and environmental issues associated with on-farm manure composting processes: Two case studies in South of Italy
2018 27, 5. Pergola M.; Piccolo, A.; Palese, Francesca; Ingrao, Salvatore; Di Meo, V.; Celano, G.
Plant tolerance to mercury in a contaminated soil is enhanced by the combined effects of humic matter addition and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
2016 Cozzolino, Vincenza; DE MARTINO, Antonio; Nebbioso, Antonio; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Salluzzo, Antonio; Piccolo, Alessandro
Effects of phosphorus fertilization on arsenic uptake by wheat grown in polluted soils
2010 Pigna, Massimo; Cozzolino, Vincenza; Caporale, ANTONIO GIANDONATO; de la Luz Mora, María; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Jara, Alejandra; Violante, Antonio
Soil washing with solutions of humic substances from manure compost removes heavy metal contaminants as a function of humic molecular composition
2019 Piccolo, Alessandro; Spaccini, Riccardo; DE MARTINO, Antonio; Scognamiglio, Francesco; DI MEO, Vincenzo
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphorus supply on the growth of Lactuca sativa L. and arsenic and phosphorus availability in an arsenic polluted soil under non-sterile conditions
2010 Cozzolino, Vincenza; Pigna, Massimo; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Caporale, ANTONIO GIANDONATO; Violante, Antonio
Influence of phosphate addition on the arsenic uptake by wheat (Triticum durum) grown in arsenic polluted soils
2010 Cozzolino, Vincenza; Pigna, Massimo; DI MEO, Vincenzo; Caporale, ANTONIO GIANDONATO; Violante, Antonio; Meharg, A. A.
Bioactivity of humic substances and water extracts from compost made by ligno-cellulose wastes from biorefinery
2019 Spaccini, R.; Cozzolino, V.; Di Meo, V.; Savy, D.; Drosos, M.; Piccolo, A.
Bio-Based Hydrogels Composed of Humic Matter and Pectins of Different Degree of Methyl-Esterification
2020 Nuzzo, A.; Mazzei, P.; Savy, D.; Di Meo, V.; Piccolo, A.