Active and passive experiments for S-wave velocity measurements in urban areas
2012 Nunziata, Concettina; De Nisco, G.; Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA
Vs crustal models and spectral amplification effects in the L’Aquila basin (Italy).
2013 Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA; Nunziata, Concettina; Gambale, V.
Vs of shallow crust structure and site effects at L’Aquila (Italy) for the Mw 6.3, 2009 earthquake.
2012 Nunziata, Concettina; Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA
Low Vs crustal zones in the Campanian Plain (Southern Italy).
2010 Nunziata, Concettina; Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA
Ground motion modeling for the 6 April 2009 earthquake (Mw 6.3) at Poggio Picenze (central Italy)
2015 Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA; Nunziata, Concettina
Evaluation of linear and nonlinear site effects for the MW 6.3, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake.
2012 Nunziata, Concettina; Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA; Vaccari, F.; Panza, G. F.
Measurements of shear wave velocities for seismic and volcanic hazard assessment in urban areas.
2010 Nunziata, Concettina; De Nisco, G.; Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA; Vaccari, F.; Panza, G. F.
The Historical Centre of Poggio Picenze under the 2009 April 6th Earthquake: Correlation between Ground Motion and Damages to Buildings
2014 Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA; Nunziata, Concettina; Florio, G.; Formisano, Antonio
Lithospheric Vs models in the Campanian Plain (Italy) by integrating Rayleigh wave dispersion data from noise cross-correlation functions and earthquake recordings
2014 Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA; Nunziata, Concettina
Ground motion modeling for site effects at L'Aquila and middle Aterno river valley (central Italy) for the Mw 6.3, 2009 earthquake.
2014 Nunziata, Concettina; Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA
Tutore di Maria Rosaria Costanzo - Modelli delle velocità sismiche di taglio della struttura crostale profonda della Piana Campana mediante cross-correlazione di rumore sismico
2012 Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA; Nunziata, Concettina
VS measurements in volcanic urban areas from ambient noise Rayleigh waves
2016 Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA; Mandara, Rosa; Strollo, Roberta; Nunziata, Concettina; Vaccari, F.; Panza, G. F.
Vs models from noise cross-correlation in the historical centre of Napoli.
2016 Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA; Nunziata, Concettina
Site effects at L’Aquila for the April 6, 2009 (MW=6.3) earthquake.
2016 Nunziata, Concettina; Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA
Seismic micozoning for the risk mitigation of the monuments in the historical centre of Napoli
2016 Nunziata, Concettina; Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA
Inferences on the lithospheric structure of Campi Flegrei District (southern Italy) from seismic noise cross-correlation
2017 Costanzo, MARIA ROSARIA; Nunziata, Concettina
Vs of the uppermost crust structure of the Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy) from ambient noise Rayleigh wave analysis
2017 Costanzo, M. R.; Nunziata, C.; Strollo, R.
Vs models in the historical centre of Naples (Southern Italy) from noise cross-correlation
2019 Costanzo, M. R.; Nunziata, C.
Seismic evidence of high temperature crustal material in the Campania region (Southern Italy).
2018 Costanzo, M. R.; Nunziata, C.
Seismic Hazard Assessment of Apennine Tectonic Events at Naples.
2019 Nunziata, C.; Costanzo, M. R.