On the use of the geometric approach to global stability for three dimensional ODE systems
2008 Buonomo, Bruno
Stabilizing effect of cannibalism in stage structured population models
2006 Buonomo, Bruno
On the stabilizing effect of cannibalism in stage structured population models
2006 Buonomo, Bruno
On mathematical modelling for integrated aquaculture system
2002 Buonomo, Bruno
General stability conditions for a class of ODE arising in biomathematics
2003 Buonomo, Bruno
Modellizzazione di un ecosistema inquinato con equazioni di tipo chemostato
1995 Buonomo, Bruno
Modelling and nonlinear stability in bacterial bioconvection: a short survey
1998 Buonomo, Bruno
Questioni di stabilità globale per sistemi di ODEs, con applicazioni in epidemiologia
2007 Buonomo, Bruno
Dinamica di sistemi complessi, con applicazioni in Biologia ed Economia
2009 Buonomo, Bruno
Qualitative analysis for diffusive population-toxicant interaction models
1997 Buonomo, Bruno
Linear and nonlinear stability thresholds for a diffusive model of pioneer and climax species interaction
2009 Buonomo, Bruno; Rionero, Salvatore
On nonlinear stability in bioconvection
2000 Buonomo, Bruno
Restabilizing forcing for a diffusive prey-predator model
2007 Rionero, Salvatore; Buonomo, Bruno
Modeling human response to bed–net promotion campaigns and its impact on malaria transmission
2014 Buonomo, Bruno
Global stability of an SIR epidemic model with information dependent vaccination
2008 Buonomo, Bruno; A., D'Onofrio; D., Lacitignola
On the Lyapunov stability for SIRS epidemic models with non linear incidence rate
2008 Buonomo, Bruno
Qualitative analysis and optimal control of an epidemic model with vaccination and treatment
2014 Buonomo, Bruno; Deborah, Lacitignola; Cruz Vargas De, León
Effect of prey growth and predator cannibalism rate on the stability of a structured population model
2010 Buonomo, Bruno; D., Lacitignola; Rionero, Salvatore
On the global dynamics of some relevant bilinear models.
2008 Buonomo, Bruno; D., Lacitignola
An unconditional nonlinear stability result for a bioconvection model with density-dependent diffusion
1999 Buonomo, Bruno