Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.136
NA - Nord America 1.402
AS - Asia 398
AF - Africa 62
OC - Oceania 12
SA - Sud America 9
Totale 4.019
Nazione #
IT - Italia 1.829
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.357
SG - Singapore 289
FR - Francia 72
CN - Cina 59
CI - Costa d'Avorio 49
UA - Ucraina 47
CA - Canada 45
GB - Regno Unito 42
IE - Irlanda 36
DE - Germania 29
IN - India 17
NL - Olanda 16
FI - Finlandia 15
CH - Svizzera 13
AU - Australia 10
RO - Romania 8
JP - Giappone 7
BE - Belgio 5
DZ - Algeria 5
ID - Indonesia 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
BR - Brasile 4
IR - Iran 4
PE - Perù 3
PH - Filippine 3
PK - Pakistan 3
PL - Polonia 3
PT - Portogallo 3
RU - Federazione Russa 3
SI - Slovenia 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BW - Botswana 2
CL - Cile 2
ES - Italia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
KR - Corea 2
LS - Lesotho 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TR - Turchia 2
VN - Vietnam 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
KE - Kenya 1
MY - Malesia 1
RS - Serbia 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 4.019
Città #
Singapore 240
Chandler 219
Rome 218
Naples 198
Santa Clara 125
Millbury 120
Napoli 95
Mesagne 89
Milan 79
Lawrence 73
Ashburn 61
Des Moines 54
Ottawa 32
Wilmington 32
Ercolano 23
Boston 22
Bari 20
Pescia 19
Dallas 18
Nanjing 18
Dublin 17
Princeton 15
Turin 15
Foggia 13
Anzio 12
Palermo 12
Trento 12
Beijing 11
Catania 11
Washington 11
Portici 10
Redwood City 9
Fairfield 8
Latina 8
Paris 8
Seattle 8
Torino 8
Udine 8
Adelfia 7
Afragola 7
Brescia 7
Cagliari 7
Caserta 7
Florence 7
Fucecchio 7
Jacksonville 7
Los Angeles 7
Modena 7
Avellino 6
Candiac 6
Lappeenranta 6
Manziana 6
Mumbai 6
Orta di Atella 6
Potenza 6
Trecase 6
Ascoli Piceno 5
Castelnovo ne' Monti 5
Dearborn 5
Genoa 5
Harrogate 5
London 5
Macerata Campania 5
Mestre 5
Monte Di Procida 5
Nanchang 5
Philadelphia 5
Prato 5
Shenyang 5
Sydney 5
Trieste 5
Zurich 5
Bamberg 4
Bastia umbra 4
Cabiate 4
Correggio 4
Curitiba 4
Dalmine 4
Hangzhou 4
Helsinki 4
Munich 4
Osaka 4
Palosco 4
Pesaro 4
Pozzuoli 4
Qualiano 4
Sofia 4
Venice 4
Acerra 3
Amsterdam 3
Arezzo 3
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto 3
Busto Arsizio 3
Calderara di Reno 3
Carmignano 3
Casoria 3
Castellana Grotte 3
Cesano Maderno 3
Chieti 3
Giugliano In Campania 3
Totale 2.249
Nome #
Il cambiamento organizzativo nella Pubblica Amministrazione: pratiche e fattori critici di successo 225
Benessere organizzativo in sanità: una review della letteratura 158
Tra corruzione e whistleblowing: “racconti” dal mondo dell’area grigia 141
Smart working experiences in the Public Sector before and after the COVID-19 pandemic 113
Cloud computing in high tech startups: evidence from a case study 110
La digitalizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione. Organizzare persone e tecnologie 107
Exploring social media usage in the public sector: Public employees' perceptions of ICT's usefulness in delivering value added 105
Effects of COVID-19 on public administration: smart working as an organisational revolution 88
Cambiamento e Complessità nella pubblica amministrazione: Ruoli risorse e trasparenza 84
Analyzing cloud-based startups: evidence from a case study in Italy 80
Building the digital Public Administration: the impact of social media in the Public Sector. The perception of public employees in Italian local context 78
Smart Working and Public Administration: the Role of Management in the Redesigning Workplace Processes 77
Making collaborative governance effective: a case study on the pathway to successful public-private interactions 67
Innovation in knowledge-based professional service firms. An integrated conceptual model 66
Exploring grey zone behaviours between corruption and whistleblowing 63
La trasformazione digitale della Pubblica Amministrazione: opportunità, criticità e resistenze 60
A behavioral perspective for studying governing bodies: a literature review 55
The dark side of ethics in finance: empirical evidences from the Italian market 53
Accountants’ behavioural reactions to external threats: the mediating role of proactive personality in the goal orientation process 53
Information systems and information technologies as enablers of innovation and knowledge creation and sharing in professional service firms 52
The bright and dark side of smart working in the public sector: employees’ experiences before and during COVID-19 51
Behavioral issues for sustainable investment decision-making: A Literature Review 51
Digitalizzare la Pubblica Amministrazione: una sfida oltre gli ostacoli e le resistenze 51
Innovating processes and processing innovation: strategic approach to innovation in accounting firms 51
Stories of grey zone between corruption and whistleblowing: insights from the Italian Public Administration 50
Integrity and Ethics in Higher Education: The Role Played by Teachers and Theories in Forming New Managers 48
The concept of board in the public sector: the contribution of the behavioral perspective 47
La regolazione del trasporto ferroviario: un’analisi organizzativa delle autorità in Europa 46
Information systems and information technologies as enablers of innovation and knowledge creation and sharing in professional services. Insights from Italian accounting firms 46
‘Angry accountants’: making sense of professional identity crisis on online communities 45
Lo sviluppo delle competenze nella Pubblica Amministrazione. Integrare conoscenze tecniche e competenze trasversali 44
Collaborative Governance: a Successful Case of Public and Private Interaction in the Port City of Naples 44
Features of Italian public administration 44
Boards in public sector: The contribution of the behavioral perspective for understanding value creation 42
Strategising identity in the accounting profession: “mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the accountant of them all?" 42
Family firms going international: integrating corporate identity-building processes and socioemotional wealth dimensions 42
La gestione dei processi negoziali 40
Professional identity crisis. Balancing the internal and external perception of professional image 40
Discovering the grey zone between corruption and whistleblowing: histories from the Italian Public Administration 39
Understanding innovation processes in professional service firms. An integrated conceptual model 38
“Box 1. L’alta velocità in Giappone”, “Box 2. Alta velocità ferroviaria in Cina”, “Box 3. Il caso Amtrak negli Stati Uniti”, “Box 4. La linea Palermo-Berlino tra i progetti del TEN-T”, “Box 5. L’agenzia ferroviaria europea”, “Direttiva n. 2012/34/UE: verso l'istituzione di uno spazio ferroviario europeo”, “La politica nazionale”, “Box 6. Trenitalia Spa”, “Box 7. Nuovo trasporto viaggiatori”, “Organizzazione del questionario”, “Indipendenza o dipendenza dall’organo politico”, “Box 8. Il caso della Germania”, “Il caso Italia” 38
Temporary and permanent agency workers. A study of perceived organizational support and dual commitment 37
Exploring factors that affect the well-being of healthcare workers 36
Lo sviluppo e la gestione delle competenze nel settore pubblico 35
Employer branding management as a strategic and organizational control tool 35
Corruption and Higher Education: exploring the effects of contextual and individual characteristics on students's corruption perception and behaviors 35
Bureaucracy, post-bureaucracy, or anarchy? Evidence from the Italian public administration 34
Professional status and well-being in healthcare organizations 34
“Il caso della Spagna” e “Gli organismi di regolazione del trasporto ferroviario” 33
Challenging governance between internal and external actors: a resource dependence approach for studying dynamics and interactions within public organizations 33
E-Healthcare and the Co-creation approach: a critical perspective 33
Shifting identities in the public sector: Portraying the ‘new’ public manager in the Italian setting 33
Organizing innovation processes within professional service firms: the case of Italian Chartered Accountants 32
Contextual and individual characteristics effects on students’ corruption perception and behaviours in higher education 32
Do individual behaviors influence organizational socially irresponsible practices? 32
Using the job demands-resources approach to assess employee well-being in healthcare 31
New perspectives on public governance: challenging issues and emerging solutions 30
The strategic role of information systems and information technologies in professional service firms. Insights from Italian accounting firms 29
Challenging governance between internal and external actors: a resource dependence approach for studying board dynamics and interactions 29
Organizational ethics in health care: proactively caring employees 29
E-Healthcare and the Co-creation approach: a critical perspective 29
Organizing food in the Anthropocene: Locally activating ‘Slow Food’ signifiers 29
The moderating role of job resources in the relationship between ageing, professional status and well-being in healthcare 29
(nel Capitolo III, Sezione 2, Economia) Economia aziendale, Economia e gestione delle imprese e Organizzazione aziendale 29
Ripensare la pubblica amministrazione attraverso comportamenti e relazioni 28
Smart working in private and public organizations: the role of management in the Human Resources policies 27
Advancing public governance research: individual and collective dynamics in and around the boardroom 27
La regolazione del trasporto ferroviario: un'analisi organizzativa delle autorità in Europa 26
Relational mediating Performance Management Systems. Evidence from the Italian healthcare context 26
Rafforzare i processi decisionali nella Pubblica amministrazione: la percezione dei dipendenti pubblici del ruolo dei social media 25
Exploring board conflicts in Public Organizations: sources, nature, and effects 25
Innovazione e collaborazione nella Pubblica Amministrazione. Ripensare ruoli e processi 25
Organizational Issues fo Regulation Bodies 24
Enhancing employees’ performance through organizational care policies in the health care context 24
Organizational issues for Regulation Bodies: an analysis of European Railway Regulation Authorities 24
Exploring Grey Zone Behaviours Between Corruption and Wistleblowing 24
A Semantic Lens on Smart Working: Unpacking the Theoretical Construct 23
A struggling profession: a Bourdieusian perspective on the Italian Dottori Commercialisti 23
Identity in the public sector. A complex journey between identity features, struggles and dimensions 22
Stories of grey zone between corruption and whistleblowing: insights from the Italian Public Administration 22
Deconstructed Education: The Usefulness of Smart Teaching 22
Assessing the technological maturity of small enterprises through a collaborative approach 21
La dinamica delle relazioni nella Pubblica Amministrazione. Individui, gruppi e leadership 21
Effects of COVID-19 on public administration: smart working as an organizational revolution 20
‘Making Tomorrow a Better Place’? Carillion as a Window on the Dark Side of Audit in the System of Company Regulation 19
Le nuove sfide della Pubblica Amministrazione tra performance e controllo 19
Advancing a behavioral approach for studying public administration 19
Organizational Innovation in Healthcare: The Role of Information Technology 19
Innovazione nella PA: caratteristiche, tipologie e determinanti 19
L'innovazione nelle organizzazioni sanitarie 19
Regulation, Governance and Organisational Issues of the European Railway Regulatory Authorities 18
Creare competenze con le relazioni. Il ruolo delle Comunità di pratica 18
La complessità nella pubblica amministrazione: antiche problematiche, nuove intuizioni 18
(In section 2. University studies about mafias in the field of different scientific subjects/Economics) Business Administration and accounting studies, management and organisation studies 17
Managerialism in the public sector: perspectives and prospects 16
L’analisi dell’innovazione nei servizi professionali 15
Portraying new public managers: a photoelicitation of Italian public managers 14
Professionals’ perceived prestige: The role of proactive personality in the goal orientation process 13
Entrepreneurship in small Professional Service Firms: the case of Italian accounting firms 12
Organizational Structures and Innovation Processes within Professional Service Firms: the case of Italian Chartered Accountants 12
Totale 4.258
Categoria #
all - tutte 15.128
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 15.128

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020217 0 0 0 0 0 22 12 24 27 30 65 37
2020/2021469 43 24 24 45 108 19 54 26 49 34 25 18
2021/2022769 18 4 19 25 7 24 39 29 89 40 248 227
2022/2023783 108 54 31 46 78 69 39 94 136 22 60 46
2023/2024920 109 102 110 38 45 60 35 94 46 56 134 91
2024/2025693 193 185 43 60 204 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.299